BMS412 Business Environment Assignment Help
29 Dec 2023
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BMS412 Business Environment Assignment Help
Foundation Degree Business & Management (Year 1)
Business Environment BMS412
School of Adult, Professional, Adult and International
Semester 1 (Tutor: Douglas Darkwah)
Assessment Brief 1
Assessment Title: Business Report
Weighting: 75%
Issue Date: 15.11.23
Module Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Explain the different types, size and scope of organisations and the interrelationship of functions on organisational structure
LO2: Examine the impact the macro environment has on business operations
LO4: Evaluate the influence of globalisation on organisational strategy and decision making
Write a report that examines and provides a constructive and justified analysis and evaluation of the impact of organisational elements on business operations, strategy and decision making
You can base your research upon your current workplace or one that you have worked for in the past (please show evidence of permission to use any relevant internal company documents as source material) or you may wish to discuss an organisation whose information is readily available and researchable in the public domain.
Consider the following areas within your report
1. The type, size and scope of the organisation (LO1)
2. The interrelationship of functions on organisation structure (LO1)
3. Internal and external influencers via a SWOT and PESTLE analysis on business operations. (LO2)
4. The influence of globalisation on organisational strategy and decision making (LO4)
Other Useful Assessment Information
You will need to include and reference at least 10 different sources including 3 academic textbooks, 1 academic journal to help provide supporting evidence for any assertions that you make within your report.
Your report should be presented in a business professional format using the guidance on report writing within the Programme Handbook. You must include both a reference list and bibliography.
Word Count: 3,000 words (+/-10%)
Submission Date: 12.01.24
Feedback Date: 09.02.24
Assessment Brief 2
Assignment Title: Professional Discussion
Weighting: 25%
Issue Date: 15.11.23
Module Learning Outcomes Addressed:
LO3 Analyse the relationship and influence internal and external stakeholder have on business practice
You are to research and analyse the relationship and influence internal and external stakeholders have on business practice within your chosen organisation. The judgments and conclusions you have drawn from your research will form the basis of a paper that you will submit. Within the discussion you will be required to provide a range of supporting evidence to underpin your points of view.
Other Useful Assessment Information
You will need to include and reference at least 4 different sources including 2 academic textbooks, 1 academic journal to help provide supporting evidence for any assertions that you make within the paper. You must include both a reference list and bibliography with your coursework.
Word Count: 1,000 (+/-10%)
Submission Date: 16.02.24
Feedback Date: 16.03.24
Delivery in day(s):