BUS160 Final Project Fall 2023 Assignment Help
01 Dec 2023
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The objective:
This project aims to assess your ability to use Microsoft Office software in a simulated practice environment. You are working as an office assistant reporting to the Clinic Manager of Wellpoint Medical Clinic. Your analysis will include the creation of formulas and charts in EXCEL and querying using ACCESS. In addition, you will be writing a report written in WORD discussing software development methodologies and will deliver a presentation reviewing the process of how you developed your project in POWERPOINT.
Time and Deliverables:
Deadline: Monday December 11th, 11:59PM
(Late submissions (upto2dayslate) will be accepted but there will be a penalty of-20%)
You should submit the following files for final submission (save into a zipped folder named:
Student First Name_Course ID_Final.zip e.g.Tony_BUS160_Final.zip) .rar files not accepted:
1) FirstName_Wellpoint.xlsx
2) First Name_Wellpoint.accdb
3) First Name_Wellpoint.pptx
4) First Name_Wellpoint.mp4
5) First Name_Wellpoint.docx
Make sure you check the list of required files. Missing files will not be allowed to be submitted afterwards.
There is a limit of2 (TWO)Submissions(before the deadline)
Part1: Excel Analysis
Wellpoint Medical Clinic has recently completed its first year of operation. An Excel workbook has been started to prepare for the annual report, which will include data about revenue and the clinic's health studies. You will be helping by calculating totals, incorporating data from Access, and inserting charts to complete the workbook.
Open the work book Wellpoint.xlsx
Format the content on the Department worksheet to ensure consistency in appearance between the datasets. Format the numeric data to ensure it is in the most appropriate format.
Enter the most efficient formulas/functions to complete the Quarterly Revenue section.
Note: % of Total column–is looking for the % each department contributes to the overall total (you do not need to include a formula in cell I9)
Providers and staff collectively are eligible for a 20 percent bonus if the total quarterly revenue this year is more than $230,000. Otherwise, the bonus is 15 percent of the quarterly revenue. Next year, the departments will have to earn more than $250,000 per quarter to be eligible for the 20 percent bonus.
Apply conditional formatting as follows to highlight the revenue totals eligible for the higher bonus:
· In the range C9:F9, apply a conditional formatting Highlight Cells Rule that formats cells greater than 230,000 with Green Fill with Dark Green Text.
· In the range C24:F24, apply the same conditional formatting to cells with totals greater than 250,000.
Go to the Bonuses Earned data in the range C12:H15.The amount eligible for a bonus depends on the quarterly revenue. The providers and staff reimburse the clinic $1250 per quarter for nonmedical services. The final bonus is 35 percent of the remaining amount
Complete the following tasks:
· Using the text in cell C12, fill the range D12:F12 with the names of the other three quarters.
· In cell C13:F13,enter a formula that will calculate the bonus amount based on the value in cell C9 (refer to previous step for bonus amounts)
· In cell C15:F15,enter a formula to show the net bonus(refer to information above)
· Add Line spark lines to G13:G15.
The total projected revenue for next year in cell H24 is less than $1,000,000, which is the clinic's goal for the coming year. The Clinic Manager wants to know how much more revenue the General Medicine Department would have to earn to result in total revenue of $1,000,000.
Use Goal Seek to set cell H24 to 1,000,000 by changing the projected increase percentage for General Medicine
Part2: Database Design and Analysis
Open the Access database file Wellpoint.accdb.
Create a new table to hold a list of clinic departments –give it a suitable name. Data to be entered is shown below:
Department ID |
Department Name |
Location |
Department Head |
D500 |
General Medicine |
Second Floor |
Pete Sanders |
D501 |
Laboratory |
Main Floor |
Miranda Kennedy |
D502 |
Radiology |
Second Floor |
Zac Elliot |
D503 |
Wellness |
Third Floor |
Helen Roberts |
Add restrictions on data entered and modify field properties to ensure that the tables are setup accepting only sensible data and reducing the likelihood of mistakes in data entry.
Create a suitable relationship between the Department and Providers table.
Create a form for each table and a user-friendly professional looking Navigation Form for accessing the forms.
Create FIVE queries. The queries should be seeking information that could be useful to the Clinic ManagerofWellpointMedicalClinic.Yourqueriesshouldallowyoutodemonstratearangeofquery techniques, including ONE crosstab query and ONE action query (note: an action query is one that will modify a table/tables in some way - students using remote access will not be able to run this query)
Choosetwoquerieswheretheresultswouldbeappropriateforbeingrepresentedinchart format. Export the queries in Excel format and copy and paste into the studies worksheet.
Create suitable charts for each query, using different chart types. Format the charts professionally.
Create ONE report as none of the queries that you have made, ensure it is formatted professionally.
Part3: Report
Wellpoint Clinic’s current Information System has been under pressure recently due to an increase in patient numbers. The Clinic Manager has decided new information systems that will improve patient care and streamline internal operations are needed. However, the clinic's management team is uncertain about which software development methodology would be most suitable for the project.
The following information about the project has been shared with you:
· Not all the requirements are clear and may evolve overtime as the development process progresses.
· The development team will include both in-house developers and external contractors.
· The clinic's staff is already using a legacy system, and a smooth transition to the new system is essential.
· The system will need to integrate with existing clinic management systems, such as billing and insurance.
In your report, research the various software development methodologies, starting with chapter 10. Pros and cons of each methodology should be analyzed, and you should discuss how well they align with the specific needs of the project.
You need to recommend an appropriate software development for the project, supported by evidence for your choice. You will need to consider the information provided above and make sensible assumptions on other factors such as project size and complexity, timeline, budget, and team skill sets. You should also provide a plan for the implementation of the new system.
Your finished report should be formatted in a professional manner, demonstrating skills covered in the Word section of the course, and must include a cover page and references(APA formatted), with a word limit of 1200 – 1400 words (5% tolerance)
Part4: Presentation in Power Point and video recording
Using Power Point, create a video-recorded presentation discussing the development of this project. You should discuss how you completed the Excel workbook, and the choices you made in designing and creating the Access database and choice of queries. You should also discuss the report, explaining your formatting choices. Finally, evaluate your approach to the project and identify possible improvements.
The presentation should be approx. five minutes (no less than 4 minutes, no more than 6 minutes). In addition to the.ppt file, you will be submitting the MP4 file. In PowerPoint, export it to Video and
Choose the option “Medium file size and moderate quality”
The presentation should follow three major guidelines: the six-by-six rule, use images without copyright restrictions, and manage your time to spend approx.1minute per slide (basedona5slide presentation – not including initial page).
The six-by-six rule means you should have a max. Six points per slide and six words per point.
Formatting of the PPT should include making suitable modifications to the Slide Master and include suitable animations/transitions.
The presentation should include imported data from Access and copied data (or screen shots) from Word and Excel, to demonstrate the created content.
Delivery in day(s):