HI5029 IS Project Management Assignment Help
27 Dec 2023
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HI5029 IS Project Management Assignment Help
Academic Integrity Information |
Holmes Institute is committed
to ensuring and upholding academic integrity. All assessment must comply with
academic integrity guidelines. Important academic integrity breaches include
plagiarism, collusion, copying, impersonation, contract cheating, data fabrication
and falsification. Please learn about academic integrity and consult your
teachers with any questions. Violating academic integrity is serious and punishable by penalties that
range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit
involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course
enrolment. |
Format Instructions |
Most assessments must be in MS Word
format with no spacing, 11-pt
Calibri font and at least 2cm margins on all four sides with
appropriate section headings and page numbers. ·
You must name your file with the Unit Code
and Group Number
(e.g. “HI5004 Group 4”). ·
Check that you submit the
correct document as special consideration is not granted if
you make a mistake. ·
Student IDs need
to be indicated on the cover
page. Non-contributing students do not receive marks. |
Penalties |
All work must
be submitted on Blackboard by the due
date and time
along with a completed Assessment Cover Page. Late penalties apply. ·
Reference sources must be cited in the text of
the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Holmes
Institute Adapted Harvard
Referencing. Penalties are associated with incorrect citation and referencing. |
Assignment Description
This assessment will be completed in groups of 4
students. Groups will be formed
within the first
2 weeks of class.
Students are expected to critically evaluate
the project requirements and provide a project plan that
includes 6 main parts (9 tasks) listed in the group assignment case study below.
This assessment is worth 40% of the unit’s grade and is a major assessment. Groups are advised
to begin working on this assessment as soon as possible.
There only one deliverable for this assessment as follows:
Deliverable |
Weight |
Week Due |
Final Submission |
40% |
Week 9 |
The day and time of the due week that the assessment must be submitted will be announced by your unit coordinator.
Group Assignment Case Study
Information System
for ABC Institute
of Technology
ABC Institute
of Technology is a higher
education organization that offers Bachelor's and Master's programs
in Information Technology. ABC operates in eight campuses across six states and
two territories in Australia.
Currently, ABC's
Information System is underdeveloped. While some business functions can be
automated using tools like TargetX for
managing admissions and enrollments, PowerCampus
for managing student information, and Blackboard
for managing student learning information, other business functions, such as financial
management, human resource
management, academic program maintenance, library services,
career services, and public relations and marketing, are primarily handled
manually using Microsoft Excel. The manual operations pose numerous challenges
in managing resources and operating activities across all eight campuses.
In response to
these challenges, the CEO of ABC has recently initiated a project to build an
Information System that will integrate all business functions across eight
campuses. ABC has allocated a budget of $1,000,000 for this project.
Additionally, ABC has planned to develop the Information System using its in-house development team and deploy
the system in the cloud. The
organization has also set an ambitious goal to complete this project within one
Assuming that your group has been selected to manage this project. Therefore, your group will need
to conduct a comprehensive investigation and complete a project report that
contains 6 main parts (9 tasks) as listed below:
Part 1: Project
Integration Management
o Task 1: Prepare a business case
o Task 2: Prepare the project charter
Part 2: Project
Scope Management
Task 3: Develop
an initial scope
Task 4: Develop
a work breakdown structure (WBS)
Part 3: Project
Schedule Management
o Task 5: Create Grantt
chart for WBS, and then identify at least five milestones
Part 4: Project
Cost and Quality
o Task 6: Develop documents for cost estimate
and business case financial analysis
Part 5: Project
Resource Management
o Task 7: Prepare a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI Chart)
for the WBS
Part 6: Project
Risk Management
o Task 8: Create a risk
o Task 9: Plot the risks on a Probability/Impact Matrix
Deliverable Description
Your group
needs to submit
the final version
of your assignment in Week 9. The structure of the final report is as follows:
Summary: The executive summary should provide an overview of the report's
outcomes and be no longer than half a page. You can find helpful
guidelines on how to write an executive summary in this link: https://blog.pandadoc.com/how-to-write-executive- summary/
Table of contents
Introduction: State the purpose
and objectives of the report.
Part 1: Project
Integration Management
o Task 1: Prepare a business case
o Task 2: Prepare the project charter
Part 2: Project
Scope Management
o Task 3: Develop an initial scope
o Task 4: Develop a work breakdown
structure (WBS)
Part 3: Project
Schedule Management
o Task 5: Create Grantt
chart for WBS, and then identify at least five milestones
Part 4: Project
Cost and Quality
o Task 6: Develop documents for cost estimate
and business case financial analysis
Part 5: Project
Resource Management
o Task 7: Prepare a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI Chart)
for the WBS
Part 6: Project
Risk Management
o Task 8: Create a risk register
o Task 9: Plot the risks on a Probability/Impact Matrix
Overall Summary: Summarize your findings, consolidating and drawing
attention to the main points of the report.
Referencing: Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a
reference list using Harvard referencing style.
Appendix: Attach
Meeting Agenda Minutes
for 2 meetings.
Your group can use the templates
provided in the .zip file to complete
the report.
Marking Rubric
Criteria |
Fail |
Pass |
Credit |
Distinction |
High Distinction |
Task 1 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in business case preparation. |
business case with some errors. |
Competent business case with minor
errors. |
Well-structured and insightful business case. |
Exceptional, innovative business
case. |
Task 2 (4 marks) |
Major errors in project charter preparation. |
Basic project
charter with some errors. |
Competent project
charter with minor errors. |
Well-structured and insightful project charter. |
Exceptional, innovative project
charter. |
Task 3 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in initial scope management. |
Basic initial scope management
with some errors. |
Competent initial scope management with minor errors. |
Well-structured and insightful
initial scope management. |
Exceptional, innovative initial scope management. |
Task 4 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in work breakdown structure development. |
work breakdown structure with some errors. |
Competent work breakdown structure with minor errors. |
Well-structured and insightful work breakdown structure. |
Exceptional, innovative work
breakdown structure. |
Task 5 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in Gantt chart and milestone identification. |
Gantt chart with some errors. |
Competent Gantt
chart with minor errors. |
Well-structured Gantt chart
and insightful milestones. |
Exceptional, innovative Gantt
chart and milestones. |
Task 6 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in cost estimate and financial analysis. |
Basic cost estimate
with some errors. |
Competent cost estimate with
minor errors. |
Well-structured and insightful cost estimate. |
Exceptional, innovative cost
estimate. |
Task 7 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in RACI Chart preparation. |
RACI Chart with some errors. |
Competent RACI Chart with minor errors. |
Well-structured and
insightful RACI Chart. |
Exceptional, innovative RACI
Chart. |
Task 8 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in risk register creation. |
Basic risk
register with some errors. |
Competent risk register with
minor errors. |
Well-structured and insightful risk register. |
Exceptional, innovative risk register. |
Task 9 (4 marks) |
Major errors
in the risk matrix. |
Basic plotting of risks with some errors. |
Competent plotting of risks with minor errors. |
Well-structured and
insightful risk matrix. |
Exceptional, innovative risk matrix. |
Appendix (4 marks) |
Incomplete or inaccurate meeting agenda. |
The minutes are adequately detailed, capturing key points of discussion and decisions made. |
Minutes demonstrate a good level
of detail, providing a clear understanding of the discussions and decisions. |
Minutes are comprehensive,
offering a thorough and insightful record of discussions, decisions, and action
items. |
quality minutes capturing nuanced discussions
and demonstrating a deep
understanding of
the project. |
Student Assessment Citation
and Referencing Rules
Adapted Harvard Referencing Rules
Holmes has implemented a revised Harvard
approach to referencing. The following rules apply:
Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access to the source’s content for lecturers and
The reference list must be located on a separate
page at the end of the essay
and titled: “References”.
The reference list must include the details of all the
in-text citations, arranged A-Z
alphabetically by author surname with
each reference numbered (1 to 10, etc.) and each
reference MUST include a hyperlink
to the full text of the cited reference source. For example:
![]() |
All assignments must include in-text
citations to the listed references. These must include
the surname of the author/s or name of the
authoring body, year of publication,
page number of the content, and
paragraph where the content can be found. For example, “The company decided to
implement an enterprise-wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies
(Hawking et al., 2004, p3(4)).”
![]() |
Non-Adherence to Referencing Rules
Where students do not follow the above rules:
For students who submit assignments that do not comply with the rules,
a 10% penalty will be applied.
2. As per the Student
Handbook, late penalties
will apply each day after the student/s
has been notified of the due
Students who comply
with rules and the citations are “fake” may be reported
for academic misconduct.
Submission Guidelines
Your documents
should be a single MS Word or OpenOffice document
containing your report.
Do not use PDF as a submission format,
All submissions
will be submitted through the safeAssign facility in Blackboard. Submission
boxes linked to SafeAssign will be set up in the Units Blackboard Shell.
Assignments not submitted
through these submission links will not be considered.
Submissions must be made by
the due date and time (which will be in the session
detailed above) and
determined by your Unit coordinator. Submissions made after the due date and
time will be penalized per day late (including weekend days) according to
Holmes Institute policies.
The SafeAssign similarity score will be used in determining the level, if any, of plagiarism. SafeAssign will check conference web-sites,
Journal articles, the Web and your own class members submissions for plagiarism.
You can see your SafeAssign similarity score (or match) when you submit your
assignment to the appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a
chance to change your assignment and resubmit. However, re-submission is only
allowed prior to the submission due date and time. After the due date and time
have elapsed your assignment will be graded as late. Submitted assignments that
indicate a high level of plagiarism will be penalized according to the Holmes
Academic Misconduct policy, there will be no exceptions. Thus, plan
early and submit early to take advantage of the re-submission feature. You can make
multiple submissions, but please remember we grade only the last submission,
and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission.
Delivery in day(s):