BM461 Global Business Environment Assignment Help

29 Dec 2023

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BM461 Global Business Environment Assignment Help

Assignment Brief                                                                                                       Academic Year 2023-24


Module code and title:

BM461 Global Business Environment

Module leader:

Takunda Murombo

Assignment No. and type:

Coursework 2: Individual 2x 750- word Reports.

Assessment weighting:


Submission time and date:

Friday 15th December 2023 before 2 pm.

Target feedback time and date:

3 weeks after submission deadline


Assignment task

The Purpose:

These short business reports are intended to test your ability to collect and analyse reputable business information, critically assess global business issues and demonstrate awareness of changes in the business environment and the impact these have upon. It will test your ability to apply models, conduct primary and secondary research, analyse data and present an informed opinion in a business format. Developing comprehension of how the global environment impacts different countries and sectors is key to understanding how business leaders need to react to an ever-changing business environment. Your lecture series and core text will have covered a range of these from the theoretical perspective. This assessment requires you to purposefully investigate a global factor and critically discuss the impact it has had upon a sector or industry within your local area.

The Context:

Your local Council has hired your firm of business consultants to critically examine the impact of global macroenvironment issues impacting a local town in your area so that they may understand what is happening from an external independent perspective. The Council has identified two specific issues that they wish you to examine.

The Task:

You are to write two short-750, word briefings that will critically discuss the impact of the following upon the local town and make a recommendation for each on how the situation can be improved for the businesses:

1.    How global inflationary pressures, and the subsequent impact upon the cost of living, has impacted the local town, and provide one specific store to use as the case study to illustrate your argument and findings.


2.    How has the changing demographics of economic migration, due to Brexit, influenced entrepreneurial growth of small independent businesses in the local area. You are to provide examples to support your findings within your work.



Internal approval: Name, Date

Key independent learning activities, employability skills and stretch activities:

v  Comprehend which business models are appropriate to analyse the macro and internal environments.

v  Apply appropriate analysis models to chosen town and businesses.

v  Analyse the impact of global macro environmental events upon business sectors.

v  Identify key information needs using core textbook to develop commercial acumen.

v  Search using commercial databases and research reports and other reputable sources to build an evidence-based argument on government actions impacting the sector.

v  Conduct primary research using field observation and interviews, (stretch.)

v  Write two business briefings.

v  Discuss global economic migration and the impact upon different economies and local markets/sectors.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO1: Obtain and interpret information relevant to an analysis of a firm's business environment.

LO2: Assess the impact of government on the structure and operation of a business organisation.

LO3: Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of changes in the business environment on business organisation and activity.


Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work.

Please reference your work using the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online


·         Follow the course guidelines regarding submitting work, as below (e.g. electronic or paper copies).

·         Pages should be numbered.

·         All work to be submitted as Arial 11 font with line and a half spacing.

·         All writing should be in the third person passive.

·         Front cover, executive summaries, if used, contents pages, reference lists, all words in tables charts and diagrams are not included in the word count.

·         Written work must be word-processed.

·         The module title and code number must be clearly marked on the memo.

·         There should be a minimum of 5 references from reputable sources and referenced using the Harvard system used to support your argument.

·         The memo should be professionally formatted and presentable to a business manager.

·         Work you submit for assessment must be properly referenced a guide to the Harvard system of referencing can be found on the Bucks website at

·         You may seek clarification from the module tutor at any time.

·         There is no excuse for failing to submit your work in accordance with the guidance, work that does not meet the necessary standards in that respect will be marked accordingly.

·         No collaboration is allowed.

The work should be submitted electronically using the submission point Upload My Assignment in the relevant module folder on LSST Connect.



You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format.

For further information and guidance, please see the relevant section in your programme handbook.


Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are making a declaration that it is your own work and that you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by referencing them appropriately).

For further information and guidance, please see the University website: students/registry-helpdesk-and-academic-advice/academic-integrity-and-misconduct

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