BM7036 Business Plan Analysis Assignment Help
10 Jan 2024
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BM7036 Business Plan Analysis Assignment Help
Assignment Brief: Business Plan Analysis
Title: Module Code: BM7036
Word Count: 4,000
words (+/- 10%),
excluding references and appendices)
Submission Deadline: 26/01/2024 12:00pm
*Report should start
with Professional Cover
Page and Contents
Overview: The Business Plan
Analysis assignment is designed to assess your ability to critically evaluate
and analyse a comprehensive business plan.
As a master's level student, this assignment will require you to apply advanced
strategic management concepts and frameworks to assess the viability and effectiveness of a business plan. The chosen
business plan should be from a real-world organization, either a start-up or an existing
business, and should be sufficiently detailed to allow for
a comprehensive analysis.
1. To critically evaluate the key components of a business
plan, including the executive summary,
market analysis, operational plan, financial projections, and risk assessment.
2. To apply advanced strategic
management theories and frameworks to assess the strategic alignment
and coherence of the business
3. To identify
potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
in the business plan, and provide strategic
recommendations for improvement.
To demonstrate a deep understanding of the interplay
between business strategy, planning, and execution.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit a 4,000-word document in a standard academic
format (Times New Roman, 12-point
font, 1.5-spaced).
Include a bibliography with proper citation
of sources using a recognized academic referencing style
(e.g., APA, Harvard).
Aspects such as paragraph spacing, alignment, font type and size,
headings, etc. should be used consistently throughout
the document.
Tables and
figures can be of great help in presenting and summarizing
information and can contribute significantly to the visual appeal of a document, so you may want to
use them throughout your report. Should that be the case, make sure they are
informative (please, no figures just
for the sake of it), legible, and consistently formatted (there are often
issues in these areas with tables and figures
that are just copied and pasted from the Internet). They should be numbered
correlatively, include a meaningful caption, and explicitly state data sources.
Axes in figures should
be labelled so that data units are unequivocal.
Writing: Keep a
professional tone throughout the document. Avoid using first person.
Double-check your submission for typos, grammar, and spelling
-References: Cite relevant
materials in the body of the report and include them in a reference list at the
end of the document. Please use
Harvard standard when referencing. You can find comprehensive information in
how to cite different types of materials correctly at
Remember that the Writing
and Learning Centre
at Bath Spa University is located in Newton Park Library, and can help you in producing a high- quality
report. Please check
Originality: You must submit
your own original work, and cite external sources whenever relevant. Plagiarism
(including self-plagiarism) is a serious breach of academic
integrity, and will be dealt with accordingly. Please check Bath Spa University’s policy on this issue:
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