HLT6060 Contemporary Mental Health Assignment Help

28 Dec 2023

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HLT6060 Contemporary Mental Health

Module Number:  HLT6060

Module Name:  Contemporary Mental Health

Year/Semester:  23/24-Semester 1

Assignment Brief: September 2023

1.   Assessments


Assessments are internally and externally moderated.


Assessment Brief (General)


ALL ASSESSMENTS need to go through Turnitin. Any that are not submitted through Turnitin will be treated as non-submissions.  Please see the student handbook for university guidelines on this. 

As third years you will be expected to reference correctly using the Harvard method of referencing and provide an accurate reference list. See LEAP on the library website.https://www.bolton.ac.uk/leaponline/My-Academic-Development/My-Writing-Techniques/Referencing/Home.aspx

An important part of degree work is tutorials. This allows you to discuss your ideas in a 1:1 or small group environment with your tutor and discuss your ASSESSMENTS. Please make use of these – either online or face to face (see time allocated in the sessions).



ASSESSMENT Brief (Specific):




PLEASE also see the assignment guidance pack, which provides useful information and guidance about the assignment tasks (This will be uploaded on Moodle).


Assessment Number           


Assessment Type (and weighting)

Essay (80%) 3,200 words

Assessment Name


Assessment Submission Date

9th January 2024 (Before 23:59 UK Time)


Learning Outcomes Assessed:


LO1: Demonstrate an awareness of historic and contemporary concepts of mental health.


LO2: Develop a critical understanding of common mental health and enduring mental health issues and critically analyse contemporary approaches and interventions in mental health care

LO3: Critically analyse and evaluate the national policy and mental health legislation.


LO4: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the impact and of the wider social and socio-economic factors which can influence mental health.




Produce a 3200-word essay in which you critically discuss contemporary concepts of mental health and mental health illness, approaches and interventions in mental health care, national policy and mental health legislation and the impact of socio-economic factors on the individual’s mental health. The assignment must be developed according to the structure of an essay: Introduction, main body and conclusion. No table of contents. To meet the LOs, the main body should cover the following:


1. (500 words approx.) – Historical and contemporary concepts of mental health (LO1)

·         Demonstrate an awareness of how the concepts of mental health and illness have developed from care institutions to increased community provision.


1.    (500 words approx.) - Socio-economic factors(LO4)

·         Discuss how a range of socio-economic factors can increase the vulnerability of people with mental illness.


2.    (2,000 words approx.) – Please select one case study from the three given(See below the list of case studies). The case study description should be placed in an appendix – not included in the word count.

·         Identify the diagnosis of your case study from the given information and justify why you have made that decision(LO2).

·         Comment on how having a diagnosis can have positive and negative implications for the chosen case study(LO2).

·         Identify risk and protective factors and assess which protective factors may reduce risk for the client(LO2).

·         Explain the possible causes for the illness -making links to the bio psychosocial model(LO2).

·         Analyse a range of 3 possible treatments/interventions that support your chosen case study - linking them to the bio psycho social model (ensure you highlight 1 type of medication, 1 talking therapy and 1 other)(LO2).

·         Identify a range of 4 mental health services(one from each of NHS, social services, private, voluntary) your chosen case study may be in contact and specify what support they could offer(LO2).

·         Consider how your chosen case study has a responsibility to self-care – what could they do to facilitate their own good mental health(LO2).

·         Analyse how a range of 2/3 current mental health policies/ legislation may support your chosen case study and yet may also have limitations(LO3).





Case Study 1


Sonia is a 55-year-old married black female. Sonia and her husband Antony don’t have children. She has a very demanding full-time job as a retail manager in a big retail store. Sonia has always been a responsible and dedicated worker. She has always enjoyed working with people and has been regarded by her colleagues as a competent and friendly manager. She has always been a very creative and highly intelligent person.  Sonia has very high standards for herself and can be very self-critical when she fails to meet them.

For the past few weeks Sonia has been feeling very tired and having difficulties in concentrating at work, in particular when performing demanding tasks.  She has also been feeling quite irritable and has been avoiding conversations with her colleagues, which is quite different from her usual friendly approach. Recently, she has called in sick twice and postponed important departmental meetings and stayed in bed all day.

At home, her husband has noticed that Sonia has been very quiet and withdrawn. She has also been having difficulties falling asleep at night and has been eating much more than the usual. He has also seen that Sonia has been very tearful recently. She has been avoiding talking about this, even though he has tried to speak to her on a few occasions. Sonia is not in contact with her mother. They have never been close due to a difficult mother-daughter relationship. However, she has always had a very good relationship with her father. Sonia and her father meet often and spend time together, and Sonia phones him regularly. Nonetheless, lately, Sonia has also stopped seeing and calling her father.  Sonia has many dear friends and she always looked forward to spending time with them but recently she started avoiding them. 

Sonia has been feeling increasingly sad, of low mood and dissatisfied with her life and she feels like something is missing. She gets frustrated because she thinks that she has no reason to be like this, as she has a very good job, a supportive husband and lovely family. However, she cannot help feeling worthless and that she is unable to cope with her demanding job.



Case Study 2


Sam is a 19-year-old male university student. His recreational activities included skateboarding, snowboarding, break dancing, and weight training. He first sought medical attention from a sport medicine physician in January 2006, when he reported right lateral wrist pain since falling and hitting his wrist while skateboarding. Plain film radio graphs taken after the injury were negative, and the patient did not receive any treatment. The physician found no wrist swelling, full functional strength, and minimally restricted range of motion.

Over the next 22 months, Sam has returned to the same sport medicine clinic 10 times, reporting pain in his wrist, shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle, and neck. He stated that the elbow, wrist, and shoulder injuries were due to falls while skateboarding and snowboarding or to overuse during weight training; some injuries had no apparent cause.

After his tenth visit to a physician, the patient was referred for physical therapy. During the interview, the patient stated that he had right shoulder pain and no position or movement alleviated his pain, and the pain did not fluctuate over the course of the day. His sleep was disturbed only when lying on the right shoulder. The patient was in generally good health, but he said that his right wrist and left knee occasionally felt cold for no apparent reason. The patient said he believed that his knee and wrist became cold as a result of electromagnetic impulses sent to the joint via an electrical implant in his body and that this device was the cause of his ongoing shoulder pain.

According to Sam, this device had been implanted into his body 2 years earlier by a government organisation to control his actions. Electromagnetic impulses generated by the implant had caused his falls and injuries; they also caused his joints to become cold or painful when he was doing something “they” did not want him to do, such as break dancing, snowboarding, skateboarding, or exercising. Sam also believes that many other people unknowingly had implants; he claims that friends, neighbours, professors, and strangers were “working with them” and that they “emotionally abuse[d]” him by giving signs such as kicking a leg back to let him know he was being watched. Furthermore, he indicated that he often received commands telling him to harm his friends or family and that these orders came either from the electrical implant or from the people he claimed were emotionally abusing him. He therefore distanced himself from some friends because he did not want to follow through with these commands. When asked if he felt he would harm himself or others because of his psychotic-like symptoms, he denied any desire to inflict harm on himself or others. Had he posed a threat to himself or others, he would have been “formed” (i.e., committed to a psychiatric facility by the appropriate medical professional).

Sam’s past medical and family history are unremarkable. He does not use any prescription or over-the-counter medications, but he feels his thoughts about electrical implants decrease by the use of marijuana, which he is using socially. He is a non-smoker and a social consumer of alcohol. He has a normal gait and appears comfortable in an unsupported seated position. He denies any weight changes, bowel or bladder problems, night pain, or difficulty breathing.



Case Study 3


Robert and Edith have been married for 65 years. Robert is 87 and Edith is 82They live in a small bungalow that they moved to 3 years ago in the town that they have lived in since they got married. Robert and Edith have been retired for a long while. They enjoy spending time in the garden and go to the local pub quiz. Robert and Edith see their son and his partner most weeks. Gary, who is 59, lives in the same town as his parents. He does the heavy shopping for them. Cathy, the oldest daughter, lives 80 miles away and visits every month or so. Their middle child, Louise, died of breast cancer at the age of 46. The grandchildren also visit every few months, along with the two great grandchildren. In the last year, Robert’s memory has started deteriorating and his ability to do daily tasks has been impacted. He is relying on Edith to remind him and prompt him for everything. He doesn’t sleep well and has started to forget who Edith is. Robert has arthritis and uses a stick when he remembers to. He is in quite a lot of pain which he doesn’t understand. He also has a hearing aid. Gary became concerned about Robert mixing up household tasks, for example putting shopping in the oven. Also, Robert has recently been asking when Louise (the deceased daughter) is going to visit.







PLEASE also see the assignment guidance pack I will give you which provides useful information and guidance about the assignment (This will be uploaded on Moodle).


Assessment Number           


Assessment Type (and weighting)

Reflective account (20%) 800 words

Assessment Name

Reflective account

Assessment Submission Date

23rd January 2024 (Before 23:59 UK Time)


Learning Outcomes Assessed:


LO5: Evaluate and articulate your knowledge and experience of mental health issues across the lifespan in relation to your own professional role and practice.



(800 words approx.) – Reflection – (references must be provided)

Using a Model of Reflection such as Gibbs’ Model (1988), reflect on:

·         How studying this module has developed your understanding of mental health and illness.

·         How it might impact on your current/future practice in caring for people who have mental health issues.

·         Include an action plan that will help you to plan how to further expand your knowledge.


Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:


Level HE6 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and five academic books.



Specific Assessment Criteria:


(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 2)


First class (70% and above) This piece of work shows evidence of wider research with reference to several differing academic viewpoints. The assignment has recognised relevantly and discussed in detail, academic theories relevant to mental health, examples of relevant policies and strategies related to the question asked.  Several reasoned and logical arguments have been developed well and supported by a wide range of appropriately researched literature. Reference to ACADEMIC SOURCES is clear, relevant and informative. Presentation is of a high standard, and in the appropriate assignment style.  The high number of appropriate sources has been referenced accurately and to a high standard.Academic writing style, English and referencing is excellent.


Upper Second class 2(1) (60-69%) A clear and informative piece of work with evidence of wider research and discussion. The assignment has correctly recognised and discussed all the required academic theories and policies.  Well-thought arguments have been developed and supported by a very good number of sources.  Reference to ACADEMIC SOURCES is clear.  Presentation is of a very good standard, in the appropriate style.  A very good number of appropriate sources have been referenced well, with most complying with the Harvard style.Academic writing style, English and referencing will be very good.


Lower Second class 2(2) (50-59%) A clear and informative piece of work with evidence of wider research and discussion. The assignment has correctly recognised and discussed all the required academic theories and policies.  Some reasoned arguments have been developed and supported by a good number of sources.  Reference to ACADEMIC SOURCES is clear.  Presentation is of a good standard, in the appropriate style.  A good number of appropriate sources have been referenced well, with most complying with the Harvard style.Academic writing style, English and referencing are of good standard.


Third class (40-49%) A reasonable attempt has been made at researching the assignment, but greater in-depth discussion and academic debate is required.  The assignment has recognised relevant academic theories policies and strategies however mostly the discussion is superficial and lacking in any depth.  Reference to ACADEMIC SOURCES has been attempted.  Presentation of the assignment is limited, and only the minimum of 8 sources has been provided. Academic writing style, English and referencing is generally competent.


Fail (39% and below): Students who do not meet the requirements of a third-class grade will not successfully complete the assignment activity.

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