MC7080 Assessment Coursework CWK 002 Assignment Help

08 Jan 2024

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MC7080 Assessment Coursework CWK 002 Assignment Help


MC7080 Assessment Coursework CWK 002

Assessment 2 - Digital Marketing & Social Media Project

Individual Report 80%   Individual written report (2,500 words) + - 10% (excluding reference, tables, and appendices)


Submission Date: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10TH 2024 @ 3:00 P.M.

To be submitted electronically via Turnitin.


Digital Marketing & social media Communications Project 80%

Based on your context audit  analysis from your group presentation, you are asked to individually develop an effective and realistic digital and social media marketing  campaign for the company  addressed in assessment 1 . This may include  one of the following creating brand awareness , site engagement, customer experience, enhancing digital experience & engagement with the organisation’s digital presence . Your campaign is aimed at reaching only new customers.  You need to consider the findings of your audit in assessment 1 to guide the direction you wish to follow in your plan. The campaign needs to last for 4 months, from 1st  August 2024 to end November 2024.

Please note that you should develop a digital marketing plan for the same company you chose for your group presentation.

Based on your  logical situation analysis  and  organisational gaps and opportunities  identified from your presentation material (assessment 1), you need to address all stages of digital marketing plan as presented in the table below.

Stages of digital marketing plan

Objectives (where do we want to be?)

Clearly explain the objectives of your digital marketing plan based on key findings of your context analysis in Assessment 1.


Set SMART communications and commercial objectives for your digital marketing plan. Apply two/ three components of the 5Ss framework (E.g. Sell, Speak, Save) linked to the RACE framework. You need to develop quantifiable objectives. Use appropriate metrics, KPIs and time scales based on chosen scenario.


Strategy (how do we get there?). Your digital marketing strategy and choice of strategy components should be appropriately justified and demonstrated.


Strategy Components: TOPPP SITE (9 Key Strategic Components)

1.Target markets- e.g. new customers, existing customers, lapsed customers, competitor’s customers. You need to develop a buyer persona for your chosen  target audience. 

2.Objectives (it’s helpful to summarise what objectives the strategy should deliver)-here you may emphasize on RACE framework.

3. Positioning – craft online value proposition (OVP). You may apply the 6Cs of consumer motivation to help define the OVP (6Cs- content, Customisation, Community and participation, Convenience, Choice, Cost reduction-passing savings on to customer)

4. Processes-strategy can involve new processes e.g. marketing automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) remarketing, split testing)

5. Partnership (strategic alliances and marketing marriages can make marketing easy)  

6. Sequence (or stages, e.g. develop credibility before raising visibility)

7. Integration (of data, web processes and marketing across all communications tools)

8.Tactical tools (or channels: list the priority tools e.g. PPC, SEO, email or PR, social media, and content marketing, etc.)

9. Engagement (there are different levels of visitor engagement- loyalty ladder)


Tactics (how exactly do we get there? - the details of strategy) 

Select and discuss relevant digital communications tools or media channels that can be deployed as part of tactics.

First set quantifiable tactical objectives based on the RACE framework. Your RACE framework should be linked to at least  2 or 3 Ss (i.e. apply two/ three components of the 5Ss framework).  Then explain which online communications tools you intend to use for each element of the RACE framework. Examples of online communications tactical tools include PPC, affiliates, SEO, content, advertising, PR, , social media, mail, etc.). You also need to clarify the sequence of events.


Actions (the details of tactics- who does what, when and how)

Explain how you intend to execute the tactics with excellence and passion. e.g. responsibility for implementation, external /internal skills, and appropriate budget allocation. Here you may also apply the 3Ms to discuss the key resources required which include Men and women (human resources), Money (budgets), and Minutes (timescale).


Control (how do you monitor performance?)

Build in a review process to your plans. Set control systems that let you know whether you are on target to achieve the objectives you set earlier. To achieve this, prepare a monitoring and control chart and schedule and budget for regular monitoring. How do you intend to monitor the performance of your chosen 2 or 3Ss and RACE tactical objectives you set earlier? You can respond to this by setting Key Performance indicators (KPIs).

Explain the frequency of reporting & type of reporting- who reports to whom and what happens to the feedback information in the control loop?

Explain your contingency plans and set a budget for it.


Reference to digital marketing concepts, theories and models and their relevance to the points made.



§  Please use the Harvard referencing style to reference sources, both in-text and reference page, correctly.

§  Guides on the Harvard referencing style can be found on the University’s library home page.

§  In line with University’s regulations, any form of plagiarism/collusion and or contract cheating also known as commissioning work, will have severe consequences.          

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